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You searched for: masters

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  • Meditating houseplant on mountain tells exhausted potted plant indirect enlightenment spiritual gardening advice.
  • Mr. Potatohead gives diploma to graduating Potatohead student.
  • Man cannot roll up online newspaper so dog has freedom to misbehave.
  • Man climbs mountain to ask guru about the meaning of life and finds the grim reaper.
  • Guru cat only knows the meaning of life number two.
  • Umbrella monsters discretely devour beach goers.
  • Zombies exercise on the "Plod Master", a type of treadmill, at the gym.
  • Then, the master of reality was the Black Sabbath record. Now, the master of reality TV is The Osbournes.
  • One thigh is treated like the master of all the other thighs.
  • A dog learns how to roll up a newspaper to fight his owner.
  • A Pokemon player is excited to have caught lots of viruses.

You searched for: masters