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Kitty hangs fishnet tights Christmas stockings by fireplace for Santa to fill with tasty fishes presents.
Dad tells undressed son hanging clothing Christmas stockings by fire it’s not how holiday presents work.
Russian nesting dolls mom hangs children’s’ Christmas stocking inside layers by fireplace.
Worm puking mother fills baby birds’ Christmas stocking stuffer gifts at fireplace mantle.
Excited Medusa and snakes hairs’ gifts stuffed stockings hang on fireplace Christmas morning.
Scared cookies watch Christmas horror movie with Santa murderer coming down chimney.
Pirate with wooden leg and hook hand has peg leg Christmas stocking hung on fireplace mantle.
Stocking filled with Christmas gifts says to another that it always puts on weight during the holidays too.
Stocking hung by fire says gesundheit to one that has sneezed Christmas gifts all over room.
The untold story of Humpty Dumpty's demise is a highly hung stocking.
Stocking is uncomfortable being so close together on the mantle.