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You searched for: manicure

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  • Frustrating two and three-toed sloth customers demand discounted 2-for-1 manicures & pedicures from annoyed manicurist.
  • Parents, kid and dog think what miss since covid-19 shutdowns months ago, getting hair cut, manicures, movie theaters, sniffing butts.
  • Cats give themselves manicure by scratching couch at salon.
  • Handyman attends nail seminar and ends up with a manicure.
  • Using colored gardening soil looks like getting a manicure.
  • Edward Scissorhands, Wolverine, and Freddy Kruger all show up for manicures.
  • Pokes fun at how women get manicures while many men bite their nails.
  • Dentists and Manicurists both want to have a convention at the same auditorium.
  • A man is prepared to go on stage, and even uses cleft floss.
  • A wall has a hand nail after the picture falls down.
  • A declawed cat buys a reclawing kit so he can claw his owner's couch again.
  • A woman stabs through the Pillsbury Doughboy when she pokes him because her nails are too long.

You searched for: manicure