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You searched for: lotions

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  • Guy showering at girlfriend’s house searches toiletries for hidden shampoo bottle.
  • Ground hog in underground burrow slathers Groundhog’s Day shadow protecting SPF lotion on fur.
  • Raccoon and rabbit at beach play rock-paper-scissors to decide who applies sunblock to porcupine’s spiny back.
  • Mootrogena hand lotion makes your cows look forward to being milked.
  • Grecian formula produces hair in shape of ancient warrior's helmet.
  • New no-chafe boxers come with built in aloe lotion.
  • A man gets a checkered tan from his sun screen.
  • A judge accidentally throws his gavel at a lawyer after putting on some hand lotion.
  • Fish watches fish salesman swim away, thinking to himself that he was a great salesman because he bought several boxes of moisturizing lotion.

You searched for: lotions