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  • Polite family says Thanksgiving grace quietly before grabbing food in informal mess.
  • Bird in bed with cooked Thanksgiving roast asks if sex was hot for her too.
  • Fly apologizes for misheard shit sheet cake mistake & bug’s birthday disappointment.
  • Witch dining at restaurant eats eye of newt bowl with side dish of side-eye.
  • Mummy in Egyptian pyramid tomb compliments bare legs mummy’s short capris trousers.
  • Different personality pet dog plays fetch & cozy cat sleeps curled inside frisbees.
  • Dining dogs love eating 5-star reviews kitchen floor food spill menu.
  • Dad and kid at carnival enjoy fair vendors’ tasty twisted sausage & balloon animals.
  • Intermittent storm cloud with pouring rain patches aimed on purpose says it likes to hit cookouts.
  • Australian predator crocodile couple with marsupial pocket sandwiches both like pita koalas.
  • Horrified guy finds huge creepy spider in BBQ grill & cooks it into yummy hamburgers fed to his kids.
  • Guy with boba pearl tea surprised by kitty drinking fish filled drink cup.

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