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You searched for: license

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  • Dracula at liquor store says wine customer’s birthdate was a good year.
  • The police revoke a man's artistic license when he draws Wolverine with 5 claws instead of 3.
  • Mr. Pepper had his medical license revoked for recommending sugary drinks.
  • Officer warns driver not to show friends bad license photo.
  • A man at the Registry of Motor Vehicles is told he can't use an avatar for his driver's license photo.
  • Getting your driver's license picture on memorabilia is a marketing failure for the DMV.
  • Student time machine driver loses points for landing on a dinosaur.
  • James Bond has a license to noogie while in school.
  • A couple goes to get a marriage license.
  • A mom lies about her age on her birthday, but her daughter has learned how to read and reveals her birth date.
  • A boy and an old man both wear clothes with endorsements on them.
  • A girl in driving school has to say what the bugs splattered on her windshield look like.

You searched for: license