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You searched for: knowledge

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  • Meditating cat hermit tells kitty mountain climber it’s not catching laser pointer dot, it’s about the journey.
  • Meditating houseplant on mountain tells exhausted potted plant indirect enlightenment spiritual gardening advice.
  • Ferocious leopard claws out of Leopardy Jeopardy spoof parody quiz show game box showing injured man hurt by cat scratches.
  • Hans Solo explains how the Millennium Falcon completed a mission in a fast time.
  • Car reminds wife that she knew he was lazy and not self-driven before she married him.
  • Man wishes he paid attention in physics class when catapulting to woman on other island.
  • Student wonders why we need to learn anything if we have smartphones.
  • Cat does poorly on vocab test because he doesn't know the meaning of the word no.
  • Dog family fears they are being served tail for dinner.
  • Santa offers to save time at trial by telling if defendant has been bad or good.
  • Guru cat only knows the meaning of life number two.
  • After the wisdom teeth are pulled by dentist, the rest of the teeth don't know what to do without them.

You searched for: knowledge