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You searched for: knot

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  • Hugging jellyfish trapped in twisted tentacles knot asks who suggested group hug.
  • Jittery caffeine addicted man enjoys drinking lots of coffee cups works as vibrating professional masseuse.
  • Man with head stuck in sunglasses, PPE virus facemask straps & ear buds wires tells wife he took off in wrong order.
  • Surprised Christmas light bulbs guests didn’t expect tangled lights wire sex orgy party.
  • Christmas light strand knot tangling together regrets restaurant’s dance floor design decision.
  • Balloon librarian asks dog shaped balloon if liked book and it answers so many twists and turns.
  • Tangle Fairy comes at night to tangle up headphone wires.
  • An iPhone sprays detangler on its earbuds.
  • Charlie Brown plays with a virtual kite and gets tied up in computer cord.
  • Snake's new diet is to tie itself into a knot to restrict eating.
  • Man untangles Christmas lights but becomes tied up himself.
  • A snake gets tied in a knot around a tree after chasing a rabbit.

You searched for: knot