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You searched for: knives

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  • Kitchen tools identify police sketch of spatula who kept them trapped in drawer.
  • Arguing happy jack o’ lantern with knife tells pumpkin to wait while it carves mad facial expressions.
  • Kitty waitstaff knocks plates and utensils on floor as diner says restaurant clears table quickly.
  • Terrified limes watch scary lime slice garnish margarita drink movie at cinema.
  • Friday the 13th movie murderer Jason waits for knife in dishwasher to kill partying teens.
  • Tombstone engraved actually did kill him to help with dishes once in a while.
  • Violent boot with knife chases scared shopper running out of clothing store advertising boot-cut jeans sign.
  • Steak knives peek in window at butter knife party and agree it looks dull.
  • Criminal customers eat deli lunch meats at dinner, wore sun dress in cloudy weather, spread jelly with butter knife & walking in running sneakers.
  • Pumpkin fortuneteller predicts pumpkin approached by carving knife will lose weight.
  • Cake watches scary true crimes birthday cake killer documentary on television.
  • Family gives thanks to cartoonist for meal by not using place settings because he hates to draw them.

You searched for: knives