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You searched for: inept

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  • A lawyer defends his client from money-laundering charges by showing that he can't even do normal laundry.
  • All the king's horses and all the king's men try to do a puzzle in their spare time, but they're bad at it.
  • Wile E. Coyote posts about his Acme purchase online.
  • Man can say grace, but doesn't have any as he knocks over turkey.
  • Distracted by her cell phone, Tooth Fairy takes eyeball instead of tooth.
  • Hammerhead shark, despite shape of head, isn't handy around the house.
  • Captain Kirk materializes oddly when Scotty has transporter on shuffle.
  • Man warns neighbor as he was left with doors for windows to check construction work.
  • Dennis the Menace grows up to be dentist the menace.
  • Mice make their hole in the ceiling instead of the floor because their foreman is holding the plans upside down.
  • A baby falls out of a treetop and the police wonder who would be stupid enough to put a cradle there.
  • A new dad thinks his baby blew a gasket.

You searched for: inept