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You searched for: incentive

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Squirrel runs fence post exercise treadmill watching bird seed feeder tv screen goal.
  • Dogs couple girlfriend wonders if boyfriend loves her or treats in her coat pockets.
  • Kitty therapist asks cats couple shaking treats bag how got partner to follow to therapy.
  • Professional mayflies business office employees awards display brief lifespan employee of the minute winners.
  • Cruel snow manager’s carrot nose stick work motivation method frustrates snowmen office workers.
  • Hungry hamster works out on pellet-on Peloton exercising toy running to reach pet dish incentive lure.
  • Afraid lab rat asks other if it feels like it stumbled into the wrong timeline as scary cheese runs through maze to eat them.
  • Scientist reads bad one star review of confusing maze experiment posted online by lab mouse with smartphone.
  • Researcher marks maze escaping lab mouse eating box of reward cheese as “Advanced” on experiment notes.
  • Man entices family over for Thanksgiving by telling them they can catch a Pickachu there.

  • In addition to cheese at end of maze, mouse has cat chasing him so he gets through more quickly.
  • A mouse does poorly in a maze study because he's lactose intolerant and doesn't want cheese.

You searched for: incentive