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You searched for: imagining

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Kitty hangs fishnet tights Christmas stockings by fireplace for Santa to fill with tasty fishes presents.
  • Iphone in bed prefers scroll phone husband’s screen to Brad Pitt picture before sex.
  • A gingerbread man ogles a gingerbread woman and she accuses him of unfrosting her with his eyes.
  • The emperor is easy to shop for because you can get him empty boxes and he'll think they're full of clothes.
  • The emperor gets closure when he realizes that he likes being naked.
  • A little girl putting clothes on her doll is dressing her cat with her eyes.
  • Thirsty tiger in desert can only think of finding a water buffalo.
  • In desert, man pretends to drink beer from an app on his cellphone.
  • Ghost watching clouds sees mom ghost spying on her as a cloud.
  • Wife monster tells husband he is imagining monster under the bed.
  • Therapy patient refuses to visualize because of speedo store customer.
  • Male pens address female envelopes with their eyes.

You searched for: imagining