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You searched for: imaginations

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • A cat poops in a plant instead of the litter box.
  • A newborn baby dreams it was spelunking.
  • While cloud watching, a woman describes an elaborate scene in details and and her friend sees the same thing in the clouds.
  • Male pens address female envelopes with their eyes.
  • Cats sneak into the Natural History museum at night and play with the animals.
  • The Betty Rubble Center for Recovering Toons serves cartoons instead of celebrities.
  • A man talks the way he chatted online, with typos.
  • A police officer thinks he will win best costume at the department Halloween party, but the other cops are also dressed as donuts.
  • A boy goes to the doctor for cooties.
  • Kids in the 90s pretend to be disgruntled postal workers.
  • A turtle imagines giving a talk to shell-less turtles.
  • Two clouds look down onto Earth and point out how different people resemble objects, such as a person looking like a dog with two heads.

You searched for: imaginations