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You searched for: illusion

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Magician sawing assistant in box hates math conferences as angry audience yells it’s not half.
  • Lions decide to attack zebra with horizontal stripes because he looks fatter.
  • Book about drawing in perspective is in different perspectives.
  • Peacock feels it is being watched when tail is spread.
  • A teacher tries to take the day off by displaying an image of herself at her desk on the smartboard.
  • Philosophy teacher claims time is an illusion but says student is late.
  • One doctor thinks a man has a rare scalp disease, but the other thinks it's a tree across the street.
  • The moon is following a man and his daughter in a car, but he tells her it's just an illusion.

You searched for: illusion