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You searched for: ignorance

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Man mistakenly chews cork from wine bottle instead of smelling it.
  • After the wisdom teeth are pulled by dentist, the rest of the teeth don't know what to do without them.
  • A mouse gets excited to be purchased at a pet store, but the man buying it is going to feed it to his snake.
  • A mechanic tests the air bag during a car inspection.
  • A bug says that reading is overrated, as it is eating into a can of pesticide.
  • Nerdy complex carbs don't mix well with stupid simple proteins.
  • A woman's car malfunctions even though she's done a lot to keep it young.
  • Wile E. Coyote gets low risk health insurance.
  • Angry driver demands police officer who is giving a traffic violation ticket tell him where the stop sign is that he ran, failing to notice it stuck to his car.

You searched for: ignorance