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Dog licks smartphone touchscreen to unlock phone’s secure tongue identity password protection.
Unsure hummingbird on laptop debates Google searching hummed songs’ lyrics.
In hospital, Rudolph mistakenly gets all of Operation Man's parts taken out.
Beard & glasses disguised Potatohead man tells neighbor he’s Mr Regular head.
Kitty whiskers scanner pet door technology scans pets indoor security clearance.
Cartoon character rehab for far gone Far Side, rick-rolled Rick & Morty, too many bowls Captain Crunch, conditioner overdose Rapunzel, Garfield confused Heathcliff, impulsive Awkward Yeti Heart, Toy Story Piggy Bank needs change & Simpsons Krusty not funny haha.
Depressed space alien in UFO asks martian if feels like it’s going through life unidentified.
Criminal cat running counter stop signs, sends ID theft message online, smuggles dead mouse & kidnaps owner napping on lap.
Planets in solar system has Uranus called Doug, no one was surprised he changed his name.
Disguised Easter egg pictured on wanted poster dyes different colors hiding identity to avoid arrest.
Stupid man on laptop enters credit card number on online I.Q. score scam website.
Guide identifying cumulus, cluttered accumulus, square cube cubulus and goofy waving Fred clouds.