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You searched for: icing

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Injured snowman on laptop online medical web site steals snow man’s head to ice neck injury.
  • Bagels have fun with frosting and sprinkle donut filter cellphone photo app.
  • A gingerbread man ogles a gingerbread woman and she accuses him of unfrosting her with his eyes.
  • A gingerbread man tells another gingerbread man that he wants to cover him in whipped cream.
  • Mom puts together leftover cake pieces from kids for dad's birthday.
  • Pillsbury Doughboy gets frosting tattoo on his arm.
  • Cake always has frosting missing because dog licks it off.
  • Team physicians practice their medical skills in preparation for baseball season.
  • Stripper jumps into the cake, rather than out of the cake.
  • The Kids R Us fingers falls into a Cake Frosting truck.
  • Aliens ruin a birthday by putting out a woman's cake with a fire hose.
  • An airport maintenance worker brings his work home with him by de-icing his kid's birthday cake.

You searched for: icing