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Cartoon characters are checked into the Betty Rubble Center for addiction recovery.
Muscled turkeys need to submit to random drug testing.
Doctor recommends anteater avoid ants with artificial growth hormones.
A muscular vampire's friends stage an intervention for him because he keeps drinking the blood of athletes who use steroids.
Apple's new iPod made for menopausal women, the menoPod mixes songs like mood swings.
The steroid abuse trial takes a sudden turn when the judge smashes the bench with his gavel.
A group of mice decide to talk to Mickey about suspected growth hormone use.
Meditation class believes that member is using spiritual growth hormones to rise above the rest of the class.
An electric eel gets an electricity patch at the doctor to keep his levels up.
A camera tells his wife to stop complaining about her hot flashes.
A female deciduous tree says her pine tree husband doesn't understand what it's like when her leaves change in autumn.