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You searched for: homelessness

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Poor out of work lip reader begs on street corner from people wearing masks.
  • Lice occupy Wally's receding hairline as if it's Occupy Wall Street.
  • Beggar offers to make you seem interesting on your blog if you give him money.
  • The three blind mice have no money or food, but Humpty Dumpty falls in front of them.
  • The latest home pages are newspapers you sleep under.
  • Cherries sitting on the side of the road with a bum tell him that not all cherries wind up on top.
  • Pacman is a bum with a sign that says "will work for little round dots."
  • A homeless cat wants to pee on the rug and claw the furniture of a woman who feeds it.

You searched for: homelessness