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You searched for: hey

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Cat harasses owner eating, trespasses kitchen counters, grooms exposed butt indecently & mugs adorable faces.
  • Dog with smartphone under dinner table texts begging for treats as wife asks husband why his phone keeps going off.
  • Cat scratching couch is disappointed owner threw out the awesome Christmas tree scratching post.
  • A dog thinks Thanksgiving is a day to act like him because his family is focusing on family and food.
  • The grim reaper nearly kills the wrong person because he's distracted by his phone.
  • A shark hunts antelope and a cheetah says he's out of his jurisdiction.
  • Kids in caveman school draw on the walls.
  • Cat uses sand as litter box and ostrich uses same sand to bury head.
  • Satellites are upset their advanced technology is supporting short texting messages.
  • Owner finds piggy bank empty but pig wearing fancy jewelry.
  • Bee notices that, in addition to pollen, his friend also has toilet paper stuck to him.

You searched for: hey