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You searched for: hen

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  • Chickens friends drink at bar, asks if tried hot yoga workout & hen answers plucked & roasted chicken Glenda has.
  • Kind chickens support depressed farmer in barn with reassuring encouragement.
  • Hen wearing offensive killer Colonel Sanders mask upsets chickens costume party guests.
  • Misspelled famous monuments autocorrected to great whale of China, faster running Moai heads, pee leaking tower of Pisa and stoned hen Stonehenge.
  • Hen wife in couple’s therapy with rooster husband says just once she’d like to sleep late.
  • Chickens go to couples counseling because one of them wants their relationship to be free range.
  • Parents tell chick they could not produce both a cake and a brother for birthday.
  • Chicken mistakes eggs from the stork as yummy gift from the Easter Bunny.
  • Old MacDonald's noisy farm animals and EIEIO: Everything incessantly expresses itself orally.
  • Chicken has trouble sleeping due to restless egg syndrome.
  • A chicken lectures at a seminar on how to successfully cross the road by crossing at a less busy section.
  • The Easter Bunny runs a clinic for egg donors.

You searched for: hen