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You searched for: gourmet

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Four vampire victims dine as restaurant’s sign says try our 4-course meals
  • Rebellious termite carpenter builds wooden furniture, gourmet grub eats fancy meals, tick has no nervous habits & quiet meditating cicada takes vow of silence.
  • Pretentious bottle nose dolphin on date critiques restaurant wines to annoyed girlfriend.
  • Researchers observe which wines the turkey likes best.

  • A zombie wants to eat liver and kidneys as well as brains.
  • Dog impresses date with gourmet meal of old shoe with rotting food.
  • Scholar is reading his Soup for the Soul book, French Vichyssoise.
  • An ice cream store has a liquidation sale because their storage system wasn't Y2K compliant.
  • A woman's standards of productiveness change when she has a baby.
  • The specials at a dog restaurant are homework.

You searched for: gourmet