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You searched for: goat

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Wild bighorn sheep ram stops males’ head butting competition, says not into big butts.
  • Goat kid trick or treating on Halloween is happy for empty candy wrappers treats.
  • Farmer wants goats to eat his long grass.
  • Cans worry that the can-ivorous can eating goat will get them soon.
  • Old Macdonald soundproofs his farm house to drown out animal noises.
  • Boss tells employees that there is no scapegoating or goatscaping during his meetings.
  • A goat feeds her husband a dictionary and he tells her to stop putting words in his mouth.
  • A man complains that the bank is gerbil and hamstering him to death.
  • A girl gives animals at the petting zoo bubblegum.
  • Cool ranch salad dressing is made with animals that dress cool.
  • A baby only gets one present for his birthday, which is also Christmas.

You searched for: goat