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You searched for: globes

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  • Earth in space on laptop Google website searches online pictures & photos of itself.
  • Greek Myth characters Sisyphus, Medusa, Atlas and centaur answer what they are listening to on MP3 player headphones.
  • Earth is surprised to see how much ice cap he’s lost in photos on Facebook Memories.
  • A snowflake has a people globe instead of a snow globe.
  • Santa is unimpressed with book Around the World in 80 Days.
  • Gift shop displays a marketing failure, fur globes, a pet lover's version of the snow globe.
  • Child shakes several snow globes on the way to a fish bowl.
  • A girl is putting make-up on a globe in cosmology class.
  • God was the original global positioning system.
  • Earth in space with hand of God visible, someone on Earth tells friend to take telescope and tell him what he thinks he sees.

You searched for: globes