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Excited dogs celebrate canine Christmas every day at hungry pets’ breakfast.
Kitty hangs fishnet tights Christmas stockings by fireplace for Santa to fill with tasty fishes presents.
Anteater can’t wait to open tons of little ants Christmas gifts wrapped in boxes.
Dad tells undressed son hanging clothing Christmas stockings by fire it’s not how holiday presents work.
Pet cats usually give dead mouse Christmas gift but this year living rodents presents startle owners.
Surprised Santa Claus gave himself large screen television Christmas present.
Dad says pet dog Christmas present box is comforter for child’s bed.
Bright red light nose Rudolph mixes up wrong Christmas gift color, only sees pink.
Cat parents can only afford one Christmas toy gift but grateful kitten kids love sharing fun box, ribbon & wrapping paper best.
Man gives joint rolling papers wrapped gift after Christmas wrapping paper ordering mistake.
Excited Medusa and snakes hairs’ gifts stuffed stockings hang on fireplace Christmas morning.
Stressed Santa overwhelmed by busy job messed up goldfish pets’ dog bone treat Christmas present.