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Aardvark surprised by other’s tongue in termite mound compliments superb French kissing.
Mother mishears son’s friend has 2 mommies but they’re really mummy monsters.
Couples counselor says it’s great kid filled piggy bank dad & money full Russian nesting doll couple switched traditional family roles.
Ultrasound doctor tells pregnant Russian nesting doll she will be a mother, grandmother & great-grandmother.
Geese family celebrates hatching male chick’s gander gender reveal birth.
Fortune teller’s crystal ball foresees Prince Charming marry snow white Frosty the Snowman husband.
Online dating woman matches with man likes long hikes but disappointed plays football.
Computer screen bathroom mirror asks man if sure wants to leave toilet seat up.
Superhero men sit legs spread wide apart at super spreader event barbecue.
Pinata ultrasound technician shows pregnant pinata mother Baby Ruth candy bar sonogram.
A beetle asks a ladybug if she's really a lady, because another ladybug lied about her gender to him before.
A crash test dummy husband refuses to ask for directions and crashes into the wrong place.