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You searched for: geek

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Trick-o-treating godzilla monsters trade nerdy people for dummies.
  • A nerd in a library is a girl's brain throb.
  • A man at the Registry of Motor Vehicles is told he can't use an avatar for his driver's license photo.
  • A squared number shows up at a digits party.
  • A vampire chews on a pencil-neck because he's nervous.
  • A computer refuses to tell a man the weather because he never goes out.
  • Two losers in an office want to get recognized as zeroes in Y2K.
  • A nerd wins a costume contest because people think his outfit is a costume.
  • A woman on a date with an ugly man says she refuses to be an accomplice to passing on his genes.
  • A dad wishes he could CTRL+S his baby's diaper change instead of doing it repeatedly.
  • A man types 'Nice to meet you' in the air while trying to talk to a girl at a bar.
  • A geek-necked pencil ruins a pencil party.

You searched for: geek