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You searched for: gardener

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  • Excited caffeine frenzy daisies race around garden outside as guy inside asks wife if she put coffee grounds in compost.
  • Praying plant family gives thanks for Thanksgiving dinner garden poop.
  • Friendly daisy reassures wildflower bloom you’re not a weed if someone wants you.
  • Gardener says garden starts as plant markers but end up as grave markers.
  • Complaining house plant panics half full or empty glass of water too much or too little & will die.
  • Man in hospital with flowers blooming in ears’ physician diagnoses blooming earbuds.
  • Woman thinks house plants grow lights don’t work but huge cat sleeps under table.
  • Woman with fang tooth houseplant asks other woman why called succulents.
  • Woman gardening is disappointed talking forget me not flowers can’t remember her name.
  • Woman gardening has second thoughts about mean shade plant flowers criticizing her clothes.
  • Johnny Appleseed's partner is his pooping dog Maggie Fertilizer.

  • Son thinks garden mower is used to cut garden rather than lawn.

You searched for: gardener