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You searched for: frazzled

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  • Veterinarian asks painfully scratched man how cat did getting in pet carrier.
  • Huge Humpty Dumpty asks mother why only child but frazzled bird in nest says she hasn’t recovered from traumatic birth.
  • Stressed pet owner watches elections results news with supportive cats & dogs on lap.
  • Annoyed man complains Xmas early before Thanksgiving but overwhelmed day after not ready for holiday.
  • Man on skis outdoors tells collapsed exhausted skier cross country skiing not actually across whole countries.
  • Black cat tells stressed lighter colored cat with dark tipped tail it looks drained.
  • Overworked tooth on laptop orders flight tickets on vacations booking website after Thanksgiving.
  • Playing card walking dog asks sad four of broken hearts how online dating is going.
  • Existentialist roll of tape in counseling asks therapist where to start on endless problems.
  • Therapist cat tells cat patient to shed anxiety after sheds pet hair everywhere.
  • Counselor asks anxious patient in therapy on ceiling about startle response.

You searched for: frazzled