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You searched for: flexible

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  • Gym has yoga classes for beginner, intermediate, advanced & flexible cats super duper expert advanced levels.
  • Confused AirDancer balloon reading yoga pose book stands upright while flexible waving inflated tube men bend.
  • Computer and cellphone plug adapters optimistically say their job is to adapt but are useless trash in box a few months later.
  • Flamingo can bend leg backwards due to yoga.

  • Balloon worries he's not as flexible as all the balloon animals in yoga class.
  • Plasticman's cat can stretch to cover a whole couch without special powers.
  • Turkey's yoga class pays off as he avoids ax.
  • Construction worker opens wrong lunch and finds sexy note from co-worker's wife.
  • An unethical gymnastics coach has his students get him snacks.
  • Bendy straws are yoga instructors since they are flexible.
  • Gumby gets the bends before he goes scuba diving.
  • A little girl does more stretches during a half hour cartoon than her mom's friend does in three months of yoga.

You searched for: flexible