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You searched for: flee

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Terrified scaredy cats flee tin foil horror movie theater.
  • Man attacked by pecking sea gulls regretted wearing potato chips pattern swim trunks to beach.
  • Scared hikers run from mosquito eating bat who doesn’t feel appreciated.
  • Purple color runs away from rainbow created by light passing through prism.
  • Sad Dr. Frankenstein with brain jars says dates look for man with brains as scared woman runs away.
  • Page 404 escapes from jail and guards announce that the page is not found.
  • Sisyphus pushes a boulder uphill while Indiana Jones runs away from a boulder rolling downhill.
  • A dog chases a squirrel using a drone so he doesn't have to bark up the tree.
  • The characters from Peanuts run away from a nutcracker.
  • An antelope can't run away from a cheetah because it wore the wrong shoes.
  • 5-hour Enemy parodies 5-hour Energy drink.

You searched for: flee