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Fluffy pet hair kitties finally meet their match in messy Christmas tree pine needles.
Guy at bar criticizes friend’s furry clothes but hairy dress lady is shed fur soulmate.
Cozy kitty & hair covered pet owner have live laugh love & cats’ slogan art on wall.
Sticky rollers invention cleans dog & cat hair covered owners’ clothes exiting home.
Disgusting guitars picking noses in music shop display shocks grossed out customer.
Pet owner leaves adopted dog inside to get food from car and shocked house is suddenly destroyed.
Cat fur covered man uses lint brush to clean dirty clothes but hairs returned instantly, asks kitty how & replies it’s a trade secret.
Nasty smelly man mistaken for poop by crap rolling dung beetle realizes he needs a shower.
Guests wear protective pet hair hazmat suits in multiple cat shed fur covered home.
Man covered in huge poo splat picks guilty Big Bird from criminal birds suspects line-up.
Solar system party guest planets are annoyed by dirty Earth’s messy pollution.
Product testing researcher says stuck cat & dog sticky pet hair lint brush technically more effective.