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You searched for: expression

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Arguing happy jack o’ lantern with knife tells pumpkin to wait while it carves mad facial expressions.
  • Smartphone tells ugly expression phone at bar to change its lock screen resting face.
  • One joyful rebel berry grins laughing in depressed crowd of sadly frowning blue blueberries faces.
  • Emoji face in counseling tells therapist you try keeping happy expression these days.
  • Emojis have a support group for facial expressions have become stuck.
  • The Headless Horseman has lousy Emoji Options.
  • Sleepy Hollow headless ghost picks happy, sad, or mad mood Halloween pumpkin head emotions in closet.
  • Emoticons gossip about emojis plastic surgery.
  • Pi worries that he can't fully express himself in Twitter's 140 characters.

  • A turkey makes duck lips in a selfie.
  • A man is surprised to find that his date is a duck, since he thought she was just making a duck face in her profile picture.

You searched for: expression