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You searched for: exchange

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Shocked Russian nesting doll skateboarders switch body halves riding around street corner.
  • Ridge back spinosaurus shopper returns ripped bag to dinosaur customer service.
  • Spider complains hair in soup and lice has fly in theirs, bug swaps bowls pleasing everyone.
  • Cat asks what bird in its mouth is worth at bird in hand two in bush cats’ currency exchanging office.
  • Trick-o-treating godzilla monsters trade nerdy people for dummies.
  • Man covered in pet hair tells cat hopes it likes catnip toy Christmas gift as cat thinks I hope you like your sweater.
  • A cat gives another cat a fish from the tank for Christmas.
  • Mr. Potatohead wears his wife's eyes to get her perspective.

  • A witch returns nose of newt because she wanted eye of newt.
  • Satellites are upset their advanced technology is supporting short texting messages.
  • Husband buys all the spices available instead of the allspice wife requested.
  • After drinking at crazy New Year's Eve party, snowman thinks snowwoman has his torso.

You searched for: exchange