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You searched for: envelopes

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Empty mailbox disappoints man but Ninja Sloth surprises with Valentine’s Day card pile behind.
  • Popular cash gift card party guest rival tough competition for snubbed greeting cards.
  • Magazine kidnappers mail threatening letter written in cut paper letters of abducted victim.
  • A whole class of envelopes frustrate a yoga instructor as they are all marked "do not bend."
  • Two envelopes at a marriage counseling session complain about openness.
  • Sealing wedding invitations, fiancee says a February 29th wedding would mean leap year anniversaries.
  • Male pens address female envelopes with their eyes.
  • Police investigate a murder scene where some pushed the envelope.
  • A check from mother asks nagging questions.
  • Two envelopes are talking about how Betty's husband got sent away.
  • Man at desk is about to seal envelope, tiny man washing envelope's window, man from Bob's Full Service Window Cleaning washing the glass window.

You searched for: envelopes