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Spirits over drink puddles at haunted New Year’s Eve party surprised they’re not drunk.
Bugs Bunny asks Warner Bros characters at empty table who put Wile E. in charge of getting bird.
Angry pet owner’s fat dog’s belly filled with empty Thanksgiving cornucopia fruits and veggies.
Ninja Sloth steals man’s garish vacation clothes from suitcase luggage.
Cannabis dispensary closes to restock inventory after customers Willie Nelson & Snoop Dogg purchase entire store.
Trick or treating kid in authentic canine costume eats all the treat candies & wrappers shocking pet dog and owner.
Spirit on laptop video conference asks invisible ghosts in chairs to make themselves visible on screen.
Kitty waitstaff knocks plates and utensils on floor as diner says restaurant clears table quickly.
Frustrated pool cue locked out of house tells forgetful billiard table to remember which pocket it put keys in.
Star Wars Chewbacca finishes Yoda’s fries in challenging speech mixup.
Squirrels’ empty acorns vault robbed by overweight squirrel in inside job.
Empty Russian nesting doll mother tells cafe barista to fill’er up after kids at school.