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You searched for: elephant

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  • Thundering group of stampeding elephants run on treadmills at fitness club classes together.
  • Elephant in Covid virus facemask tells uncovered trunk elephant not wearing mask right.
  • God reprimands Noah for building cubicles on ark, not cubits.

  • Ostrich mistakenly looks to commiserate about not flying to other animals who can fly.
  • An elephant looks at a picture of a wooly mammoth and his dad tells him body hair was in style back then.
  • Two people are squashed after no one mentions the elephant in the room.
  • Two people ignore an elephant in their robot vacuum.
  • Instead of bars, man hits three Babars on slot machine.
  • Music genres cartoon characters are listening to.
  • As elephants escape from the zoo, a man confuses the noise for musical horns.
  • Scared by a mouse, elephant has an epiphany solving an old problem by stomping the mouse.
  • Girl has temper tantrum until her mother puts on the Dumbo Movie, hence the original movie on demand.

You searched for: elephant