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White eggs enter paintball game building & exit splattered in colorful paints.
All the King’s men suggest eating broken Humpty Dumpty egg for breakfast.
Messy Easter egg dyes baffles mom & kid but earlier swimming eggs splash spills on counter.
King’s men knight makes Humpty Dumpty death positive building broken egg shell furniture & lamp.
Mailman delivers delayed non slip pads order to smashed egg Humpty Dumpty.
Father bird with mallet waiting for egg to hatch asks mom if it’s time to induce baby chick’s birth.
Angry bird mom in tree asks dad who broke fallen eggs what he means he’s been spring cleaning nest?
Geese family celebrates hatching male chick’s gander gender reveal birth.
Easter egg asks hungover broken shell eggs if it was only one didn’t get smashed last night.
Colorful dyed Easter egg at party says it wishes had courage to go natural to undyed eggshell guest.
Frustrated Humpty Dumpty on cellphone customer review website rates All the King’s Horses & Men bad eggshell repair service.
Annoyed Humpty Dumpy egg smashed by fall from wall reads Life is about balance fortune cookie.