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You searched for: drown

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Nine life saving cats on beach lifeguard stand watch kitty swimmers for water safety emergencies.
  • Researcher develops cake batter bowl mouse trap to catch mice.
  • Pirate is disappointed he's walking off the plank and will be two steps short of his FitBit goal.

  • Rather than watch swimmers, lifeguard prefers women playing volleyball.
  • The three little pigs' relationship changed when it was time to build houseboats.
  • Street hockey is not popular in Venice because the streets are flooded.
  • Underwater Ice Fishing turns out to be a bad idea.
  • A cat and fish trades spaces.
  • Sharks get the jackpot on a casino cruise.
  • A fly dies in chicken soup next to Chicken Soup for the Soul.
  • A dog drools all over a woman's guest.
  • A woman says it's funny that turkeys are so stupid they drown while looking up in rain, but her husband is drowning because he looked up in the shower.

You searched for: drown