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You searched for: dizzy

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  • Hand spins Chanukah party dreidels sipping wine glasses & sprays splattered mess circle on floor.
  • Physician asks dizzy Rudolph the red nose reindeer patient how long he’s been light-headed.
  • Chanukah dreidel tells insomniac dreidel spinning in bed warned it to slow down at party.
  • Doctor tells Chanukah dreidel top at medical appointment it’s spinning vertigo dizzy spells are seasonal.
  • Medical exam patient tells Doctor about misspelled dizzy childhood spelling bee mistake.
  • Shaky cat with vertigo staggers out of laser lights show theater with audience.
  • Ladybug medial receptionist tells man that office is for aphids, treatment for AFib, irregular heartbeat, is down the hall.
  • Soldiers are dizzy coming out of rocking Trojan horse.
  • Household supplies play Spin the Bottle with a bottle who's taking Dramamine to prepare.
  • A dog doctor tells his patient to stop chasing his tail to relieve dizziness.
  • The FDA makes Cupid label his arrows with the side effects of love.
  • People go to a booth to reclaim their stomachs after going on a roller coaster.

You searched for: dizzy