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Frustrating two and three-toed sloth customers demand discounted 2-for-1 manicures & pedicures from annoyed manicurist.
Hippopotamus in restaurant complain meals served after Hungry Hungry Hippos boardgame.
Worried cats kingdom jester’s boring cat toy performance bores annoyed king.
Man at coffee shop complains sugary whipped cream ice coffee drink tastes like coffee.
Annoyed waitress owner asks cat knocking salt shakers off table if it’s 8th time it asked for salt.
Complaining house plant panics half full or empty glass of water too much or too little & will die.
Insomniac customers buy sleeping poison apples at fairytale evil queen entrepreneur’s profitable business.
Pretentious bottle nose dolphin on date critiques restaurant wines to annoyed girlfriend.
Magazine kidnappers mail threatening letter written in cut paper letters of abducted victim.
Dog in art studio thinks dog artist’s food and more food paintings get better and better.
Infant refuses bottle feeding dad, prefers mother’s locally sourced breasts milk.
Cat harasses owner eating, trespasses kitchen counters, grooms exposed butt indecently & mugs adorable faces.