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Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
Mailman delivers delayed non slip pads order to smashed egg Humpty Dumpty.
Impatient criminal waits as confused executioner assembles messed up Ikea guillotine wrong.
Star Wars Luke Skywalker’s training by Yoda with cat in lap delayed by unwritten rules of the force.
Sleeping man in bed wakes to pee at night but clicks bladder snooze button biotechnology invention.
Mechanic says knock knock to auto engine & slowly waits for timing belts who’s there response.
Wasted sloth in bar says he’ll regret drinking when hungover in three days.
Elf says Santa Claus on cellphone will be late if posting social media cookie photos online.
Friday the 13th movie murderer Jason waits for knife in dishwasher to kill partying teens.
Computer spinning wheel moon delays impatient wolfman monster transformation.
Cat procrastinates giving belated Christmas present playing under ripped gift wrap papers mess.
Santa Claus delivers presents delayed by sleigh chain inventory shipping problems weeks later in January to annoyed lady.
Greek myth Sisyphos pushing rock uphill sees time of arrival never ever on smartphone.