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Self-conscious sun in sky tells women cold weather shortening days length excuse.
Cellphone’s online weather forecasts high, low & cold grocery store temperatures.
People enjoy swimming with dolphins in pool & day drinking alcohol with partying porpoises at resort.
Sun in sky shaves arm pit light rays hairs with razor on Daylight Savings Time morning.
Dog teases dog wearing cone that he can now be a sundial to tell time.
Vampires are up all night and lose an hour of awake time with daylight savings.
The earth asks the sun what it does after working all day and the sun answers moonlighting.
Celebrity Tina Turner’s Cousin It hair wig, Neil Diamond cubic zirconium name, Corey Hart fast food flop, living Monkees copy dead Beatle tape & Snoop Doggy Dogg pays Snoopy copyright rock & roll musician facts.