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You searched for: corn

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Corn therapist asks popped corn couple at appointment if their relationship sometimes gets heated.
  • Scared pop corn kernel movie cinema audience watches girl stringing popcorn garland Christmas decorations torture on screen.
  • Corn cobs greet each other with bad jokes.
  • Stephen King's Children of the Corn is adapted by Disney as a cartoon.
  • Vegan witches brew potion with eye of potato instead of eye of newt.

  • Godzilla throws Orville Redenbacher into his mouth like a piece of popcorn.
  • Popcorn kernels have hot flashes, and change into popcorn during menopause.
  • Vegetables start smoking, and get shorter.
  • A man has something on his foot, either a Lego piece of a Barbie shoe.
  • The Jolly Green Giant turns to popcorn when he's around popcorn microwaves.
  • A fish avoids getting hooked by eating the worms like corn on the cob.
  • The Second Run Movie theater sells reused popcorn.

You searched for: corn