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You searched for: colds

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Bats sprayed on wall say gesundheit to sneezing movie monster Nosferatu.
  • Piggy bank says gesundheit to ill pig who sneezed coin slot money shot into ceiling above.
  • Man ill in bed with sickness all work week recovers to party in bar Friday night.
  • Seed covered plain flavor bagel says gesundheit to sneezing everything bagel in bakery.
  • Criminal consumers arrested for eating sharing size candy, playing Words With Friends game with strangers, coffee in a tea cup and blowing nose on toilet paper.

  • Unicorn sneeze pokes bird with horn.
  • Snowman test to see if melting snowman has a fevor.

  • Cat selfishly sleeps on head of feverish cat.
  • A bacterium wears a t-shirt that says "That which does not kill me, makes me stronger."
  • Benny's Drill parodies Benadryl allergy medicine.
  • Woman's sneeze causes laptop screen to snap back.
  • Sneezy sneezes and ruins buffet line food for other seven dwarfs.

You searched for: colds