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You searched for: churches

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  • Eggs religion pastor preaches Miracle Whip mayonnaise resurrected Humpty Dumpty brand parody religious service.
  • Colored Easter egg in casket tells mixed-up mourner eggs at church funeral service he’s dyed not died.
  • Rebellious insects defy preconceived ideas with butterfly prefers margarine, professional plumber carpenter ant, atheist praying mantis & yellowjacket wearing purple sweater.

  • Sleeping man dreams friends & family at funeral view his private Google internet search histories.
  • Dog in confessional tells priest tricks owners to feed second breakfast.
  • Priest marrying bride and groom has trouble pronouncing tough last name spellings.
  • Apostrophe couple joined in marriage as quotation marks at punctuation wedding.
  • Smartphone at pulpit in funeral says phone in casket who died ran out of minutes.
  • Glass of water confesses sins to water purifier pitcher priest in church confessional.
  • A mashmallow preacher warns his followers that they will burn in S'Mores Hell if they don't repent.

You searched for: churches