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You searched for: chinese

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  • Tiny eye panda with black patches covered by white makeup asks if wearing too much concealer.
  • Misspelled famous monuments autocorrected to great whale of China, faster running Moai heads, pee leaking tower of Pisa and stoned hen Stonehenge.
  • Tree gets depressing Chinese fortune cookie paper that says he will be a fortune.
  • One half of a yin yang finds its other half on
  • A man reads a fortune cookie fortune that says "you will look like a fool" on one side and has teeth on the other side.
  • A snowflake's fortune cookie says it has a 30% chance of falling today.
  • A fortune cookie psychic has a tough job.
  • Man doesn't know how to use upside down utensils to eat Chinese food.
  • Stale fortune cookies reveal fortunes that apply to the past.
  • Monsters eat people off the country of China.
  • Salmon add phrase "when upstream" to fortune cookies instead of "in bed."
  • A trial jury is found deadlocked between Chinese food and Mexican food for lunch.

You searched for: chinese