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Deep sea predator anglerfish & scary stories face glow fishes lighted lures prey in dark underwater depths.
Vampire on laptop with melted face gives Instacart online groceries garlic potato chips substitution 1 star review.
Witches think another witch injected her warts with collagen.
Luke Skywalker mistakenly uses lightsaber under his chin while telling ghost stories.
Baseball player on cell phone is confused by what signals the coach is using.
A man is prepared to go on stage, and even uses cleft floss.
The King of Pop has body parts pop off of him.
Godzilla returns his ice cream cone because he ordered a person with a double chin.
UFOs try to construct the perfect Earthling using DNA from powerful and popular people, but the DNA they collected is all from ugly or stupid famous people.
Jay Leno and David Letterman fight over who gets to host The Late Show and Leno's chin gets stuck between Letterman's teeth.
A girl pig doesn't want to kiss her boyfriend because he has an ugly hair on his chinny-chin-chin.