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You searched for: chemicals

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Water made as Oxygen O in bar tells Hydrogen partner polyamorous 2 H sex could spice up couple’s relationship.
  • Doctor recommends anteater avoid ants with artificial growth hormones.
  • Homeowner puts poison signs on lawn to deter dogs from peeing and pooping on lawn.
  • The Charlie Brown Hazmat Suit is full of holes.
  • Plasticman's cat can stretch to cover a whole couch without special powers.
  • A woman buys Mr. Dirty by accident and makes her kitchen messier.
  • Dilating drops accident results in the origin of anime.
  • Pool water test reveals an excess of chlorine is to blame for bleached family.
  • A mom complains that a kid is trashing her home, but outside everyone is polluting the earth.
  • A bug says that reading is overrated, as it is eating into a can of pesticide.
  • Headache inducer is used to disrupt the mosquito breeding cycle.

You searched for: chemicals