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Kid always asks Dad to carry stuff but refuses to let him hold candy trick-or-treating on Halloween.
Autocorrected texts change desserts chocolate cake to cape clothing, criminal crème brulée robber, snoring s’more & itchy rash ice cream.
Pet dog in top hat & magicians cape’s sneaky vanishing hors d’oeuvres magic surprises owners.
Goat kid trick or treating on Halloween is happy for empty candy wrappers treats.
Woman in mask says gesundheit to trick-or-treater in Batman costume who sneezed it off and on to her.
Superfish flies out of the water up onto land.
Cops use good cop flamboyant cop routine to make suspects uncomfortable.
Dry cleaner mixes up Darth Vader's dry cleaning with Superman's, as Darth Vader dons Superman's cape.
Superman in doctor's office explains it takes him two bounds to leap tall buildings.
A moth real estate agent shows her customers some Capes.